
Hanfa Board meeting: Tankerska plovidba receives approval to take over Atlantska plovidba

After having approved the announcement of the mandatory takeover bid in January, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency (Hanfa) approved at today’s meeting the application of Tankerska plovidba from Zadar to announce a voluntary takeover bid for the remaining 742.938 shares of Atlantska plovidba from Dubrovnik.

Prior to the submission of this application, Tankerska plovidba held 1,350,332 ordinary shares of Atlantska plovidba, or 64.51% of the share capital and the same amount of voting shares. The share capital of the company reaching EUR 83,347,800.08 is divided into 2.093.270 registered ordinary shares without a nominal value, admitted on the Regular Market of the Zagreb Stock Exchange. 

In the previous, mandatory takeover bid from early 2024 Tankerska plovidba acquired 523,534 ordinary shares at a price of EUR 53.60 and then continued to buy shares on the market. 

Hanfa has found that Tankerska plovidba has provided the necessary funds to pay all the shares and all necessary guarantees.

More details about this and other news from today’s meeting are available here.


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