10th Meeting
22/05/2024On 22 May 2024, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 10th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:
- Ordinance amending the Ordinance on temporary bans in the case of a proposal to initiate insolvency proceedings against a central counterparty and on the conditions for determining the conversion rate and carrying out a simplified reduction in the initial capital or withdrawal of existing shares or other instruments of ownership in the resolution of the central counterparty
- Ordinance amending the Ordinance on insolvency proceedings and resolution of the central depository
- Decision on compliance with the Guidelines on benchmarking of diversity practices, including diversity policies and gender pay gap, under Directive 2013/36/EU and Directive (EU) 2019/2034 (EBA/GL/2023/08)
- Decision granting approval to the company TANKERSKA PLOVIDBA d.d., Zadar, OIB 44952903763, LEI: 747800D0V2GHHYOYQK51, to publish a takeover bid relating to the acquisition of the company ATLANTSKA PLOVIDBA dioničko društvo za međunarodni prijevoz robe i putnika, Dubrovnik, Dr. Ante Starčevića 24, OIB: 61063868086, LEI: 74780000L0GQ5QG49R37
- Decision granting approval to the company Raiffeisen društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima d.d., Zagreb, OIB: 14148900600, LEI: 549300KUWF0GTBWT9S32, to invest up to 100% of the net asset value of the following voluntary pension funds: Raiffeisen voluntary pension fund, Closed-ended voluntary pension fund Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Closed-ended voluntary pension fund of the Croatian Medical Union, Closed-ended voluntary pension fund T-HT and Raiffeisen closed-ended voluntary pension fund in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the Republic of Croatia, the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, the Swiss Republic or the United States of America
- Decision determining that the insurance agency OVB Allfinanz Croatia d.o.o., Zagreb, OIB 79130948331, has eliminated the illegalities whose elimination was ordered by Hanfa’s decision of 13 January 2022, and terminating the on-site mystery shopping examination of the company
- Decision granting approval to Vladimir Kristijan from Zagreb to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the leasing company Erste & Steiermärkische S-Leasing d.o.o., Zagreb, OIB: 46550671661, for a term of office lasting for 4 (four) years, running as of the day of the receipt of this decision, but not before 3 August 2024
- Decision granting authorisation to Feđa Krivošić from Opatija to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of WHITE BRIDGE ASSET MANAGEMENT d.o.o. za upravljanje alternativnim investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Osijek, OIB: 24139029403, LEI: 984500DA906CPI650878, for a term of office lasting for 5 (five) years, running as of 29 May 2024
- Decision granting authorisation to Petar-Pierre Matek from Zagreb to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of FEELSGOOD CAPITAL PARTNERS društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje alternativnim investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 89112739620, LEI: 747800L0D133F86HHR29, for a term of office lasting for 5 (five) years, running as of 2 August 2024
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Dubravko Rašić from Zagreb, founder of the insurance representation craft R4 OSIGURANJE, OBRT ZA ZASTUPANJE U OSIGURANJU, DUBRAVKO RAŠIĆ, ZAGREB, SUSEDGRADSKI VIDIKOVEC 5A
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Vesna Bajsić Lončar from Lepoglava, founder of the insurance representation craft Agencija L.V., obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Vesna Bajsić Lončar, Lepoglava, Očura 6