Pension system

Type of document

Hanfa provides access on its website to legislation and subordinate legislation falling within its scope of activities and competence and published in the official gazette of the Republic of Croatia (Narodne novine), along with unofficial consolidated texts of regulations published. It also offers access to opinions on the implementation of laws falling within the competence of Hanfa, and other regulations adopted by Hanfa pursuant to its powers.

The said documents are available in Croatian, with some of them being accessible in the English language as well.

Following the principles of transparency, building confidence among financial market participants and reporting to consumers, and in accordance with the provisions of the Act on the Right of Access to Information, Hanfa publishes on its website draft regulations in the Croatian language which are related to its scope of activities and subject to consultations with the public concerned.

All Croatian regulations related to the Mandatory and Voluntary Pension Funds Act are available here.

Disclaimer: Please note that the translations of Croatian regulations provided on this web page are only provisional translations and therefore do NOT represent official documents of the Republic of Croatia. They confer no rights and impose no obligations separate from those conferred or imposed by the legislation formally adopted and published in the Croatian language.


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