MIREX is the average value of the accounting unit of all pension funds belonging to the same category (A, B, C), which takes into account the share of an individual fund in the total net assets of all funds belonging to the same category. Since 1 January 2023, MIREX has been adapted to the euro equivalent, ensuring the continuity of the index value initially set at 100.0000. MIREX shows the cumulative increase of the unit value of mandatory pension funds belonging the same category since the beginning of their operation. The starting dates of calculating category B MIREX and category A and C MIREX are 30 April 2002 and 21 August 2014, respectively. MIREX is updated every working day and is rounded to four decimal places.

Pursuant to the Mandatory Pension Funds Act and Voluntary Pension Funds Act, on 21 August 2014, Hanfa ceased publishing the daily values of mandatory pension fund accounting units and voluntary pension fund unit prices.

As of that date, data on the values of mandatory pension fund accounting units may be found on the REGOS website and on mandatory pension funds’ websites. Voluntary pension companies are obliged to publish data on voluntary pension fund unit prices on their websites.

The list of mandatory and voluntary pension companies is available in the Registers.




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