Leasing companies

No. Name OIB
1. AGRAM LEASING d.o.o. 48922277230
2. Ayvens Croatia d.o.o. za operativni i financijski leasing 45116797997
3. BKS - leasing Croatia d.o.o. 52277663197
4. Erste & Steiermärkische S-Leasing d.o.o. 46550671661
5. i4next leasing Croatia d.o.o. 05273526923
6. IMPULS-LEASING d.o.o. 65918029671
7. Mobil Leasing d.o.o. za leasing nekretnina, vozila i strojeva 17080997510
8. OTP Leasing d.d. 23780250353
9. PBZ-LEASING d.o.o. 57270798205
10. PORSCHE LEASING d.o.o. 90275854576

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