Cross-border activities
The EU single market is one of the most representative examples of the European economic integration and one of the most prominent symbols of the European integration in general. It is based on the internal market, which rests on the four market freedoms:
- free movement of goods
- freedom to provide services
- free movement of people
- free movement of capital.
When it comes to insurance, the freedom to provide services includes cross-border insurance and insurance distribution activity by insurance companies and insurance intermediaries with their registered offices in the Republic of Croatia in the territory of another EU Member State without their having to establish a separate legal person or to obtain authorisation in that Member State. The entire procedure is carried out between the competent authority of the host Member State and the competent authority of the home Member State (the Republic of Croatia) and is based on the notification provided by the insurance company or insurance intermediary. The templates and instructions for their completion in the notification procedure are available at links below.
At the same time, insurance companies and insurance intermediaries with their registered offices in other EU Member States are also given the possibility to provide cross-border insurance and insurance distribution services in the Republic of Croatia. Their list (companies that have carried out the notification procedure) is available in Hanfa’s register here.
When providing cross-border insurance or insurance distribution services, companies that have carried out the notification procedure are obliged to comply with the general good provisions applicable in the Member State where the insurance or insurance distributions service is provided. The general good provisions applicable to the provision of services in the Republic of Croatia are available at the following link.