9th Meeting


On 17 March 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 9th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:

  1. Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the contents and structure of issuers’ interim reports and on the form and manner of their submission to the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
  1. Decision on compliance with the Guidelines on stress test scenarios under the MMF Regulation – 2022 Update (ESMA50-164-6583)
  1. Decision granting approval to the company ZB Invest d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Masarykova 1, OIB: 59300096187, to establish and manage InterCapital BET-TR UCITS ETF, open-ended investment sub-fund with public offering, and to include this sub-fund in InterCapital KROVNI UCITS ETF, the umbrella open-ended investment fund with public offering, which includes the approval of the prospectus and rules of the sub-fund, as well as the approval for the selection of the depositary for the sub-fund – the company OTP banka d.d. Split, OIB: 52508873833
  1. Decision establishing the elimination of illegalities and irregularities recorded in the Report on the off-site examination of Raiffeisen Invest d.o.o. Zagreb investment fund management company, OIB: 81769224349, and of the following open-ended investment funds with public offering: FWR Multi-Asset Strategy I (until 5 April 2022), Raiffeisen Classic, Raiffeisen Eurski Val 2025 Bond, Raiffeisen Flexi Euro short-term bond, Raiffeisen Flexi Kuna short-term bond, Raiffeisen Flexi USD short-term bond, Raiffeisen Fund Conservative (until 5 April 2022), Raiffeisen Harmonic, Raiffeisen Sustainable Equities, Raiffeisen Sustainable Mix, Raiffeisen USD 2021 Bond (until 30 September 2021), Raiffeisen USD 2026 Bond (since 30 October 2021), Raiffeisen Wealth (since 17 March 2021), Raiffeisen Sustainable Solid (since 6 April 2022); and determining that the off-site examination has finished
  1. Decision granting authorisation to the company SQ CAPITAL društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 54009254385, to establish and manage an open-ended alternative venture capital investment fund without legal personality with private offering titled SQ Venture alternative venture capital investment fund with private offering
  1. Decision granting authorisation to the company PROSPERUS - INVEST društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 58670915471, to operate as a medium-sized AIFM, namely to carry out activities referred to in Article 11(1)(1) of the Alternative Investment Fund Act - management of AIFs; and revoking the Decision of 1 August 2014 issued to the company PROSPERUS - INVEST društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje fondovima, point 1 - authorisation to carry out activities referred to in Article 13(1)(1) of the Alternative Investment Fund Act – establishment and management of alternative investment funds
  1. Decision ordering the company Raiffeisen Invest d.o.o., Zagreb, OIB: 81769224349, to improve its anti-money laundering and terrorist financing system and to submit a report on the implementation of this Decision to the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
  2. Decision determining that the company AGRAM LEASING d.o.o., Zagreb, OIB: 48922277230, has eliminated illegalities and irregularities relating to activities carried out contrary to the provisions of Article 51(1)(11) and Article 52(6) of the Leasing Act, and of Article 3(2) and Article 9(1) and (4) of the Ordinance on the content and form of lease agreements and on the methodology for the calculation of the effective interest rate, whose elimination was ordered by the Decision of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency of 31 August 2022, and now concludes lease agreements with lessees in a clear and comprehensible manner, thus enabling lessees to have at their disposal all relevant information on terms of the agreement, by including in the agreement reasons and conditions for early termination of the agreement which are consistent with the provisions of the Leasing Act also in the cases when early termination occurs before the delivery / due to the non-delivery of a leased asset by the supplier, in particular regarding the definition of conditions for agreement termination by the company AGRAM LEASING d.o.o. or by the lessee, preparation of the final settlement / calculation statement and compensation for damages caused by the termination of the agreement; and terminating the on-site examination of the company’s operations

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