8th Meeting
13/03/2023On 10 March 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 8th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:
- Ordinance on the structure and contents of financial statements and additional reports of pension insurance companies
- Ordinance on the chart of accounts of pension insurance companies
- Ordinance on the valuation of assets of pension insurance companies
- Ordinance on permitted investments and investment limits relating to assets covering technical provisions of the pension insurance company
- Ordinance on capital adequacy of pension insurance companies
- Ordinance on emergency reserves of the pension insurance company
- Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the requirements for performing the function of a member of the management board and a member of the supervisory board of an insurance and/or reinsurance company, authorised officer of an insurance and/or reinsurance company and an authorised representative of a branch of an insurance and/or reinsurance company
- Decision on the form, content and deadlines for reporting by the Central Registry of Affiliates
- Decision granting approval to the company TANKERSKA PLOVIDBA d.d., Zadar, Ulica Božidara Petranovića 4, OIB 44952903763, LEI: 747800D0V2GHHYOYQK51, to publish a takeover bid relating to the acquisition of the company TURISTHOTEL dioničko društvo za ugostiteljstvo i turizam, Zadar, Obala kneza Branimira 6, OIB: 74204012744, LEI: 74780000HOAHRTBFJ603
- Decision granting approval to the company Zagrebačka burza d.d. Zagreb, OIB: 84368186611 (Zagreb Stock Exchange), for the amendments to the ZSE Price List, adopted by the Management Board of the Zagreb Stock Exchange on 8 February 2023
- Decision completely revoking the decision by Hanfa of 24 February 2022, issued to the company WHITE BRIDGE ASSET MANAGEMENT d.o.o., OIB: 24139029403, pursuant to which, under point 1 of the decision, authorisation was granted for the establishment and management of Digital Asset, umbrella open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering, consisting of two sub-funds: a) PDA, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering and b) SDA, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering; and, under point 2 of the decision, authorisation was granted for the establishment and management of SDA, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering, as a sub-fund of Digital Asset, umbrella open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering, as well as inclusion of the existing fund Passive Digital Asset, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering, as a sub-fund under the name PDA, in Digital Asset, umbrella open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering
- Decision completely revoking the decision by Hanfa of 24 February 2022, issued to the company FARVE PRO INVEST d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, OIB: 32697869602, pursuant to which the following was granted: authorisation for the establishment and management of Orange RealEstate, closed-ended alternative investment fund with private offering for real-estate investments, approval for the Rules of Orange RealEstate, closed-ended alternative investment fund with private offering for real-estate investments, and for the selection of HRVATSKA POŠTANSKA BANKA d.d., OIB: 87939104217, as the depositary of Orange RealEstate, closed-ended alternative investment fund with private offering for real-estate investments
- Decision determining that the company Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d., OIB: 53056966535, during the period covered by supervision until the day illegalities and irregularities were removed, did not comply with the obligations under Article 98(1) of the Capital Market Act, i.e. did not ensure that only authorised persons referred to in Article 97(1) of the Capital Market Act carry out activities referred to in Article 97(1) of this Act, for which it is required to establish a training system appropriate to the complexity and scale of activities carried out by these persons, as prescribed by Article 98(3) of this Act, and determining that it has eliminated all the illegalities and irregularities recorded in the Report on the on-site examination of 21 June 2022, and that the on-site examination has finished
- Decision granting authorisation to the company Inspire Investments d.o.o. za upravljanje alternativnim investicijskim fondovima, OIB: 62573520714, to establish and manage an open-ended alternative investment fund without legal personality with private offering – hedge fund titled Inspire Equinox, open-ended alternative investment fund with private offering
- Decision granting authorisation to the company ZB Invest d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, OIB: 23889363045, for the establishment and management of ZB Invest Funds – ZB bond 2026 USD, open-ended investment sub-fund with public offering, and to include this sub-fund into ZB Invest Funds, the umbrella UCITS fund, which includes the approval of the prospectus and rules of the sub-fund, as well as the approval for the selection of the depositary for the sub-fund – the company ZAGREBAČKA BANKA DIONIČKO DRUŠTVO, OIB: 92963223473; and granting authorisation to invest up to 100% of net assets of ZB Invest Funds – ZB bond 2026 USD, open-ended investment sub-fund with public offering, in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the United States of America
- Decision granting authorisation to the company ZB Invest d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, OIB: 23889363045, for the establishment and management of ZB Invest Funds – ZB bond 2027 EUR II, open-ended investment sub-fund with public offering, and to include this sub-fund into ZB Invest Funds, the umbrella UCITS fund, which includes the approval of the prospectus and rules of the sub-fund, as well as the approval for the selection of the depositary for the sub-fund – the company ZAGREBAČKA BANKA DIONIČKO DRUŠTVO, OIB: 92963223473; and granting authorisation to invest up to 100% of net assets of ZB Invest Funds – ZB bond 2027 EUR II, open-ended investment sub-fund with public offering, in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the Republic of Italy or the Republic of Poland
- Decision granting approval to Mario Ferrero to perform the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company Allianz Hrvatska d.d., Heinzelova 70, Zagreb, OIB: 23759810849, LEI: 5493006D8G55YM441622, for a term lasting 4 (four) years, running as of 13 May 2023
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to the pre-company FINplan d.o.o. za brokerske poslove u osiguranju, with its registered office in Ivanec, Trg hrvatskih Ivanovaca 7
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Barbara Jamić, founder of the insurance representation craft BEDEM 1, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Barbara Jamić, Matulji, Pobri, Pužev breg 6 D
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 15 December 2015, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Sanda Babić, founder of the insurance representation craft AZ PROTECT, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Sandi Babić, Zadar, Varaždinska 3, ceased to be valid on 4 May 2022
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 13 December 2018, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Igor Luketić, founder of the insurance representation craft Zastupanje Luketić, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Igor Luketić, Zagreb, Radnička cesta 32, ceased to be valid on 1 January 2023