6th Meeting


On 16 February 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 6th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:

  1. Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the requirements for membership in management and supervisory boards of leasing companies
  1. Decision granting approval to the company OTP invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 96261939721, for the merger of OTP e-start open-ended investment fund with public offering, lSlN: HROTPIUENVC5, LEI: 529900G0N9DN11YQ3T12, with OTP start open-ended investment fund with public offering, ISIN: HROTPIUNVCF2, LEI: 529900BBXQ3YM3DSTN15
  1. Decision granting authorisation to Kornelija Lojo to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the company Inspire Investments d.o.o. za upravljanje alternativnim investicijskim fondovima, OIB: 62573520714, for a term lasting 5 (five) years
  1. Decision granting authorisation to Krešimir Gunjača to perform the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company ERSTE društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima, OIB 49659289650, for a term lasting four (4) years, running as of 15 March 2023
  1. Decision granting authorisation to Zdenko Matak to perform the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company ERSTE društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima, OIB: 49659289650, for a term lasting four (4) years, running as of 15 March 2023
  1. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Jelena Žaper, founder of the insurance representation craft Protectus, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Jelena Žaper, Podstrana, Domovinskog rata 36
  1. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to the pre-company ESICHER d.o.o. za zastupanje u osiguranju, with its registered office in Karlovac, Skopska 13
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 21 June 2011, by virtue of a Decision by Hanfa, to Zoran Šuster, founder of the insurance representation craft Progreso zastupanje, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Zoran Šuster, Zagreb, Trakošćanska ulica 30, ceased to be valid on 31 December 2022
  2. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 21 December 2018, by virtue of a Decision by Hanfa, to Željko Brkić and Dalibor Brkić, founders of the craft ZASTUPANJE PLUS, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Željko Brkić i Dalibor Brkić, Zagreb, Ulica Crvenog križa 35, ceased to be valid on 1 January 2023

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