3rd Meeting
26/01/2023On 25 January 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 3rd meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:
- Ordinance on the contents, form and manner of submitting regulated information to the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency and to the Officially Appointed Mechanism of Regulated Information
- Ordinance amending the Ordinance on issuing authorisations, organisational requirements and supervisory reports of data reporting services providers
- Ordinance amending the Ordinance on corporate governance-related information that needs to be submitted by issuers to the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, and on the form, time limits and manner of its submission
- Technical instruction for entities obliged to submit regulated information to the Officially Appointed Mechanism of Regulated Information and to the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
- Decision granting authorisation to the company Erste Asset Management d.o.o., with its registered office in Zagreb, Ulica Ivana Lučića 2A, OIB: 68572873963, for the establishment and management of Erste Asset Management umbrella UCITS and open-ended investment funds with public offering ERSTE HORIZONT 2026 and ERSTE HORIZONT 2026 II, as two sub-funds comprising the said umbrella fund; the Decision also includes the approval for the prospectus and rules of Erste Asset Management umbrella UCITS, and the approval for the selection of a depositary for Erste Asset Management umbrella UCITS, namely the company ERSTE&STEIERMÄRKISCHE BANK d. d.
- Decision granting approval to Krunoslav Župan to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the leasing company Erste & Steiermärkische S-Leasing d.o.o., Zagreb, OIB: 46550671661, for a term of office lasting for 4 (four) years
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Darko Martinčević, founder of the insurance representation craft DAMOS, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Darko Martinčević, Varaždin, Vladislava Vežića 40
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to the pre-company MOJ BROKER d.o.o. za brokerske poslove u osiguranju, with its registered office in Ivanja Reka, Marofska ulica 12
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 15 December 2015, by virtue of a Decision by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, to Igor Kušeta, founder of the insurance representation craft AZ KUŠETA, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Igor Kušeta, Višnjevac, Crni put 58, ceased to be valid on 28 December 2022
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 19 August 2016, by virtue of a Decision by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, to Janko Turković, founder of the insurance representation craft AZ CONSULT, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Janko Turković, Zagreb, Selska cesta 136, ceased to be valid on 1 December 2021
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 21 April 2017, by virtue of a Decision by the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency, to Kristijan Marciuš, founder of the insurance representation craft KDM, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Kristijan Marciuš, Čakovec, Otona Župančića 22, ceased to be valid on 2 May 2022