35th Meeting

On 21 December 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 35th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:
  1. Ordinance on the calculation, amount and charging of fees paid to Hanfa for the year 2024
  2. Decision expanding the authorisation to provide central counterparty services issued to the company SKDD-CCP Smart Clear d.d., OIB: 58388162971 LEI: 747800E0OA8S9CM7RR46, by Hanfa’s Decision of 29 October 2021, by authorising the company to provide the central counterparty services in relation to the clearing of transactions; exchange traded funds or ETFs referred to in point 25 of Article 3 of the Capital Market Act; treasury bills as money market instruments referred to in point 31 of Article 3 of the CMA, which transactions are executed on the regulated market and the multilateral trading facility operated by Zagrebačka burza d.d., OIB 84368186611, LEI 7478000050A040C0D041 (Zagreb Stock Exchange)
  3. Decision granting approval to Središnje klirinško depozitarno društvo d.d. (Central Depositary and Clearing Company), with its registered office in Zagreb, Heinzelova 62/a, OIB: 64406809162, LEI: 747800V0CCQGC89GOW91, for the management fee relating to the management of the Investor Protection Scheme for the year 2024, totalling EUR 1,408.00 per year, per each member of the Investor Protection Scheme
  4. Decision granting approval to the company OTP invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje fondovima, OIB: 96261939721, LEI: 529900UAH2CC09VOZQ96, acting in its capacity as liquidator of OTP GLOBAL, alternative investment fund with public offering, in liquidation, OIB: 88527564391, LEI: 747800S0CA2MKP7CQD17, for the fee to be charged for carrying out the liquidation of that fund for the period from 10 November 2023 to 10 May 2024, whose amount has been determined by the Decision of the liquidator of 14 December 2023, i.e. EUR 5,250.00 (EUR five thousand two hundred and fifty)
  5. Decision revoking Hanfa’s Decision of 25 August 2023, granting authorisation to the company OTP invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje fondovima, OIB: 96261939721, LEI: 529900UAH2CC09VOZQ96, for the establishment and management of OTP MULTI USD 3, open-ended investment fund with public offering, which includes the approval of the prospectus and rules of the fund, as well as the approval for the selection of the depositary for the fund – the company OTP banka dioničko društvo, Split, OIB: 52508873833, LEI: 5299005UJX6K7BQKV086; and granting exception to invest up to 100% of the net assets of OTP MULTI USD 3, open-ended investment fund with public offering, in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the Republic of Croatia or the United States of America
  6. Decision by which the company Wirex Digital d.o.o., Franje Petračića 4, Zagreb, OIB: 78679748083 is denied registration in the Register of virtual asset service providers in relation to the activities requested, since from the application and the supporting documentation it does not follow that the conditions for registration have been met; the Company is ordered to, without delay, delete the activities of providing virtual and fiat currency exchange services and providing custodian wallet services from the court register of the competent Commercial Court, and to provide Hanfa with a notification of what has been done without delay. Should the Company fail to do so, the activities in question will be deemed to be carried out without authorisation.
  7. Decision granting approval to Krešo Vugrinčić to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the company INTERCAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, OIB: 59300096187, LEI: 529900PWYTEP77IEKE59, for a term lasting for 5 (five) years, running as of 1 January 2024
  8. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Mirjana Serdarušić Radić, founder of the insurance representation craft BRUELA, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, MIRJANA SERDARUŠIĆ RADIĆ, VELIKA GORICA, KNEZA DOMAGOJA 12A
  9. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Eugen Šarić, founder of the insurance representation craft Cro-P, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Eugen Šarić, Požega, Bana Pavla Šubića 6
  10. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance and reinsurance distribution business to the pre-company PROMARK BROKERS d.o.o. za brokerske poslove u osiguranju i reosiguranju, with its registered office in Zagreb 



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