27th Meeting
07/09/2023On 7 September 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 27th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:
- Instructions for distributors in the course of identifying the negative target market and in the course of distributing UCITS units to investors on the negative target market
- Ordinance on the procedure for appointing a confidential person and for internal reporting of irregularities at the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency
- Decision granting approval to the company Raiffeisen Invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje UCITS fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 81769224349, LEI: 529900YGFJ4MA9FZGO96, for significant amendments to the prospectus of Raiffeisen EUR 2025 Bond, open-ended investment fund with public offering, OIB: 72493893972, LEI: 529900WMBRKWQJLQ4P55
- Decision granting approval to the company Raiffeisen društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima d.d., with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 14148900600, LEI: 549300KUWF0GTBWT9S32, for material amendments to the statute of Raiffeisen mandatory pension fund category A, B and C
- Decision granting authorisation to Melita Čičak to perform the function of a member of the Supervisory Board of the company Allianz ZB d.o.o. društvo za upravljanje obveznim i dobrovoljnim mirovinskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, OIB: 58384724129, LEI: 549300GMPWLFNKRGJM28, for a term of office lasting for 4 (four) years
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance representation business to Mario Volarić, founder of the insurance representation craft VO- LA, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Mario Volarić, Jastrebarsko, Strossmayerov trg 4
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Stjepan Špoljar, founder of the insurance representation craft LIBRA, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Stjepan Špoljar, Jastrebarsko, Dr. Franje Tuđmana 13
- Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance and reinsurance distribution business to the pre-company JAMSTVO SIGURNOSTI d.o.o. za brokerske poslove u osiguranju i reosiguranju, with its registered office in Kaštel Novi, Ulica don Frane Bulića 21
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 19 January 2023, by virtue of a Decision by Hanfa, to Alen Zgurić, founder of the insurance representation craft GT zastupanje, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Alen Zgurić, Velika Gorica, Augusta Cesarca 5, ceased to be valid on 20 July 2023
- Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 29 March 2018, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Davorka Sabolić, founder of the insurance representation craft COD, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Davorka Sabolić, Daruvar, Trg kralja Tomislava 17, ceased to be valid on 31 July 2023