10th Meeting


On 24 March 2023, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 10th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:

  1. Instruction for the preparation and submission of reports on transactions and trading in financial instruments executed on the trading venue managed by the stock exchange and reports of data reporting services providers
  1. Decision granting authorisation to the company OTP invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje fondovima, OIB: 96261939721, for the establishment and management of OTP MULTI EUR 2025, open-ended investment fund with public offering, which includes the approval of the prospectus and rules of the fund, as well as the approval for the selection of the depositary for the fund – the company OTP banka dioničko društvo, Split, OIB: 52508873833; and granting exception to invest up to 100% of the net assets of OTP MULTI EUR 2025, open-ended investment fund with public offering, in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by the Republic of Croatia
  1. Decision granting authorisation to Đurđica Vlahović to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the company GENERALI OSIGURANJE d.d., Zagreb, OIB: 10840749604, for a term lasting 3 (three) years, starting from 12 April 2023
  1. Decision granting authorisation to Mate Marić to perform the function of a member of the Management Board of the factoring company ADRIATIC ZAGREB FACTORING d.o.o., Zagreb, OIB: 3685658324, for a term of lasting 4 (four) years, running as of the day of receipt of this Decision
  1. Decision granting approval to the company INTERKAPITAL dioničko društvo za savjetovanje, upravljanje i ulaganje, with its registered office in Zagreb, Masarykova ulica 1, OIB: 91995585043, to directly acquire a qualifying holding in the company Generali Investments d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima sa sjedištem u Zagrebu, Savska cesta 106, OIB: 61865183767, reaching 100% of the initial capital and voting rights of that company; and granting approval to Tonći Korunić and Daniel Nevidal to indirectly acquire a qualifying holding in the company Generali Investments d.o.o., reaching 40.45% of the initial capital and voting rights of that company individually, and 80.85% of the initial capital and voting rights of that company jointly. The proposed acquisition referred to in points 1 and 2 of the operative part of this Decision shall be carried out within nine (9) months from the day of receipt of this Decision
  1. Decision granting approval to the company SQ CAPITAL društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, Zagreb, OIB: 54009254385, to operate as a large AIFM, namely to carry out activities referred to in Article 11(1)(1) of the Alternative Investment Fund Act (Official Gazette, No 21/18, 126/19 and 110/21) - management of AIFs; and revoking the Decision CLASS: UP/I 972-02/20-01/54, REGNO: 326-01-22-20-19 of 17 March 2022, issued to the company SQ Capital društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, item 2 approval to operate as a small AIFM, namely to carry out activities referred to in Article 11(1)(1) of the Alternative Investment Fund Act - management of AIFs
  1. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to the pre-company KRKI RUN d.o.o. za zastupanje u osiguranju, with its registered office in Zagreb
  1. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Milana Božić, founder of the insurance representation craft QUAESTUM, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Milana Božić, Zvečanje, Niz badanj 8
  1. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to the pre-company SICUREZZA d.o.o. za zastupanje u osiguranju, with its registered office in Split
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 8 August 2019, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Karolina Pismar, founder of the insurance representation craft AGENCIJA PISMAR, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Karolina Pismar, Zaprešić, Ulica kardinala Alojzija Stepinca 76B, ceased to be valid on 31 October 2022
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 29 December 2017, by virtue of a Decision by Hanfa, to Danijel Antolković, founder of the insurance representation craft APRIORI ZASTUPANJE, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Danijel Antolković, Zabok, Ksavera Šandora Đalskog 4, ceased to be valid on 8 February 2023
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 15 February 2018, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Nataša Šimić, founder of the insurance representation craft ATOS, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Nataša Šimić, Kutina, Kolodvorska ulica 70, ceased to be valid on 2 March 2022
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 5 May 2016, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Ivan Matković from Zagreb, founder of the insurance representation craft AZ MATKOVIĆ, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Ivan Matković, Zagreb, Ilica 253/1, ceased to be valid on 30 December 2022
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 13 November 2015, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Kristina Kuzmić, founder of the insurance representation craft FIDELIS PLUS, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Kristina Kuzmić, Rovinj, Ulica Sv. Vida 13, ceased to be valid on 16 February 2023
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 16 December 2016, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Ivan Mikuličić, founder of the insurance representation craft CONSILIUM, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Ivan Mikuličić, Zagreb, Vidikovac 3, ceased to be valid on 3 August 2022
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 7 March 2018, by virtue of a decision by Hanfa, to Robert Kripner, founder of the insurance representation craft KRIPNER CONSULTING, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl. Robert Kripner, Nedelišće, Maršala Tita 34, ceased to be valid on 26 October 2022
  1. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business issued on 28 December 2007, by virtue of Hanfa’s decision, to the company ASCro d.o.o. za zastupanje u osiguranju, with its registered office in Županja, Bana Josipa Jelačića 7, OIB: 07211233042, ceased to be valid on 30 November 2022

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