4th Meeting


On 24 January 2019, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 4th meeting and adopted the following decisions of public interest:

  1. Decision granting approval, pursuant to Article 259(3) of the Act on Open-Ended Investment Funds with Public Offering, to the company Global Invest d.o.o., with its registered office in Zagreb, Radićeva 14, OIB: 89492953056, for an extension of the deadline to align investments of assets of Capital Breeder, open-ended investment fund with public offering, in non-listed securities, as defined in the Prospectus of the Fund, item 11.3.8. Strategy of the fund’s investments, for additional 3 (three) months, i.e. until 1 April 2019
  2. Decision granting authorisation to the UCITS management company HPB Invest, društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje UCITS fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Strojarska cesta 20, OIB: 77486858909, for amendments to the minimum contents of the rules of HPB Kratkoročni obveznički eurski fond, open-ended investment fund with public offering
  3. Decision granting authorisation to the UCITS management company HPB Invest, društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje UCITS fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Strojarska cesta 20, OIB: 77486858909, for for amendments to the minimum contents of the rules of HPB Kratkoročni obveznički kunski fond, open-ended investment fund with public offering
  4. Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company Erste Asset Management društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 2a, OIB: 68572873963, for amendments to the minimum contents of the rules of Erste E-Conservative, open-ended investment fund with public offering
  5. Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company Erste Asset Management društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 2a, OIB: 68572873963, for significant amendments to the prospectus of Erste E-Conservative, open-ended investment fund with public offering
  6. Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company Erste Asset Management društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 2a, OIB: 68572873963, for amendments to the minimum contents of the rules of Erste E-Conservative, open-ended investment fund with public offering
  7. Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company Erste Asset Management društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ivana Lučića 2a, OIB: 68572873963, for significant amendments to the prospectus of Erste E-Conservative, open-ended investment fund with public offering
  8. Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company ZB Invest d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, OIB: 23889363045, for significant amendments to the prospectus of ZB eplus UCITS fund and amendments to the minimum contents of the rules of the Fund
  9. Decision granting authorisation to the investment fund management company ZB Invest d.o.o. za upravljanje investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Samoborska cesta 145, OIB: 23889363045, for significant amendments to the prospectus of ZB plus UCITS fund and amendments to the minimum contents of the rules of the Fund
  10. Decision determining that the authorisation to conduct insurance representation business issued on 23 September 2016 to Goran Dujmović, owner of the craft Obrt za zastupanje AZ DUJMOVIĆ, vl. Goran Dujmović, Brdovec, Ilije Gregorića 91, by virtue of the Decision of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency CLASS AP: UP/I 974-03/16-01/120, REGNO: 326-01-660-663-16-3, ceased to be valid on 5 December 2018
  11. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Marko Bošnjak, founder of the craft MB zastupanje, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, vl Marko Bošnjak, Zagreb, 2. Baošički odvojak 20
  12. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Željko Cvetko, founder of the craft CIA, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, Željko Cvetko, SVETI IVAN ZELINA, ZAGREBAČKA ULICA 72
  13. Decision granting: approval to the company Zavarovalnica Sava, d.d for direct acquisition of a qualifying holding reaching over 50% in voting rights and initial capital in the company ERGO osiguranje d.d. and the company ERGO životno osiguranje d.d.; approval to the company Sava Re, d.d. for indirect acquisition of a qualifying holding reaching over 50% in voting rights and initial capital in the company ERGO osiguranje d.d. and the company ERGO životno osiguranje d.d.; approval to the company ADRIS GRUPA d. d. for indirect acquisition of a qualifying holding reaching 10% to 20% in voting rights and initial capital in the company ERGO osiguranje d.d. and the company ERGO životno osiguranje d.d.; approval to the company CROATIA osiguranje d.d. for indirect acquisition of a qualifying holding reaching 10% to 20% in voting rights and initial capital in the company ERGO osiguranje d.d. and the company ERGO životno osiguranje d.d.; and approval to the Slovenian Sovereign Holding and the Republic of Slovenia for joint indirect acquisition of a qualifying holding reaching 20% to 30% in voting rights and initial capital in the company ERGO osiguranje d.d. and the company ERGO životno osiguranje d.d.

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