21st Meeting


On 28 May 2019, the Board of the Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency held its 21st meeting and adopted the following decisions:

1. Ordinance amending the Ordinance on the treatment of mandatory pension funds’ members by the Central Registry of Insured Persons and pension companies

2. Decision granting approval to the company GRIFFON ASSET MANAGEMENT d.o.o. za upravljanje alternativnim investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Bednjanska ulica 15, OIB: 24139029403, for the work of medium-sized AIFM, more specifically for the activities from Article 11(1)(1a) of the Alternative Investment Funds Act – AIF management; and granting approval to Feđa Krivošić and Srđan Kovačević to perform activities of members of the Management Board of the company GRIFFON ASSET MANAGEMENT d.o.o. za upravljanje alternativnim investicijskim fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Bednjanska ulica 15, OIB: 24139029403, for the term of 5 (five) years starting from the day of adopting this Decision

3. Decision granting approval to Bruno Mahovlić to perform activities of the member of the Management Board of the company PLATINUM INVEST d.o.o. za osnivanje i upravljanje UCITS fondom, with its registered office in Zagreb, Ignjata Đorđića 8, OIB: 85233080106, for the term of 2 (two) years.

4. Decision granting prior approval to the company BONO MODO d.o.o., with its registered office in Zagreb, Ilica 1A/III, OIB: 37847384144, to indirectly acquire a qualifying holding reaching 100% of capital of the leasing company HYPO-LEASING STEIERMARK d.o.o., with its registered office in Zagreb, Garićgradska 18, OIB: 64646464586

5. Decision granting authorisation to conduct insurance distribution business to Piero Marin Živković, founder of the insurance representation craft CONFIDENTIA, obrt za zastupanje u osiguranju, owned by Piero Marin Živković, Split, Slavonska 2

6. Decision granting approval to Global Invest d.o.o. Zagreb, Radićeva 14, OIB: 89492953056 to change the required content of fund rules with respect to the open-ended investment fund with public offering USA BLUE CHIP, ISIN: HRFGINUUBCH5

7. Decision granting approval to Global Invest d.o.o. Zagreb, Radićeva 14, OIB: 89492953056 to change the required content of fund rules with respect to the open-ended investment fund with public offering CAPITAL BREEDER, ISIN: HRFGINUFMEQ0

8. Decision granting approval to OTP Invest društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za upravljanje fondovima, with its registered office in Zagreb, Petrovaradinska 1, OIB: 96261939721 to change the required content of fund rules with respect to the following open-ended investment funds with public offering: OTP Absolute, OTP Indeksni, OTP Meridian 20, OTP Multi 2, OTP Multi USD, OTP Multi, OTP Short Term Bond and OTP Uravnoteženi.


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