Mandatory pension savings (II pillar)

Mandatory pension savings (II pillar)

The second pillar pension system involves mandatory pension funds and is compulsory for all employees.

The payment of retirement benefits within the framework of mandatory pension insurance based on individual capitalised savings of members of mandatory pension funds is made by pension insurance companies only. The payment of retirement benefits within the framework of voluntary pension insurance based on individual capitalised savings of members of voluntary pension funds is made by pension insurance companies, but exceptionally, the payment of retirement benefits on a temporary basis may be made by voluntary pension funds under the conditions laid down in the Act on Voluntary Pension Funds.

Pensioners within the framework of mandatory pension insurance receive their retirement benefits from the pension insurance company in line with assets transferred from a mandatory pension fund. Pensioners within the framework of voluntary pension insurance receive their retirement benefits from the pension insurance company on a lifelong or temporary basis in line with assets transferred from a voluntary pension fund. The pension insurance company also pays retirement benefits based on lump-sum payments made by persons into the pension insurance company and carries out other activities related to pension insurance subject to prior approval or authorisation of Hanfa. 

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