Hanfa’s educational programme

The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency has designed a standardised set of educational activities appropriate for different target groups. Education is one of the most powerful consumer protection tools, which makes the on-going provision of educational activities and information to citizens on all topics falling within Hanfa’s competence and related to financial literacy highly important. Hanfa’s educational programme is divided according to target groups, providing financial literacy training to all age groups in accordance with their needs.

Target groups:

  • Primary school
  • Secondary school
  • Universities and student associations
  • Young people starting their careers
  • Micro, small and medium entrepreneurs
  • “Golden years”

The programme also defines topics and methods employed, as well as learning outcomes. Interest in participation in lectures and/workshops is to be expressed by sending an email at edukacija@hanfa.hr If you are interested in participating in a lecture falling within Hanfa’s competence not covered by the programme, feel free to contact us.


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