Register of Virtual Asset Service Providers

Name of business, registered office address and personal identification number (OIB) / e-mail address / web address of the service provider Register number Date of entry Virtual asset services intended to be provided by the service provider
Electrocoin d.o.o.
Ilica 15, Zagreb
OIB: 45841695639
1 12.10.2023
  • custody and administration of virtual assets
  • operation of a trading platform for virtual assets
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender
  • exchange of  virtual assets for other virtual assets
  • execution of orders for virtual assets
  • placing of virtual assets
  • reception and transmission of orders for virtual assets on behalf of third parties
  • providing advice on virtual assets
Digital Assets d.o.o.
Hrvatske mornarice 1C, Split
OIB: 37096783668
2 12.10.2023
  • custody and administration of virtual assets
  • operation of a trading platform for virtual assets
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender
  • exchange of  virtual assets for other virtual assets
  • execution of orders for virtual assets
  • placing of virtual assets
  • providing advice on virtual assets
In Kapital d.o.o.
Ninska ulica 23, Sesvete
OIB: 89919231745
3 5.12.2023
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender
Adria Digital Exchange d.o.o.
Ilica 1A, Zagreb
OIB: 16372761404
4 5.12.2023
  • custody and administration of virtual assets
  • operation of a trading platform for virtual assets
  • execution of orders for virtual assets
  • reception and transmission of orders for virtual assets on behalf of third parties
Duplico d.o.o.
Antuna Mihanovića 26, Split
OIB: 74841367374
5 5.12.2023
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender
  • exchange of  virtual assets for other virtual assets
FINTRAX d.o.o. Zagreb,                                                       Ulica grada Vukovara 271,                          OIB:  23542071338,                           6 22.1.2024
  • custody and administration of virtual assets 
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender;
  • exchange of  virtual assets for other virtual assets;
  • execution of orders for virtual assets;
  • reception and transmission of orders for virtual assets on behalf of third parties

Moneysail d.o.o.

Slavonska avenija 6, Zagreb

OIB: 53104623333

 7  11.4.2024
  • custody and administration of virtual assets
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender

BLOK BE d.o.o.

Kapucinska ulica 31, Osijek

OIB: 98712426804

 8  11.4.2024
  •  custody and administration of virtual assets
  • operation of a trading platform for virtual assets
  • exchange of virtual assets for fiat currency that is legal tender
  •  exchange of virtual assets for other virtual assets
  • providing advice on virtual assets

The list of obliged entities providing or preparing to provide the services and activities referred to in Article 9(19) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Official Gazette, No. 108/17, 39/19, 151/22) and have submitted an application to be entered in the Register of Virtual Asset Service Providers in a timely manner

The list of companies that have submitted an application to be entered in the Register of Virtual Asset Service Providers

No Company
1 BD Innovation Hub d.o.o., Lavoslava Ružičke 50, Zagreb, OIB: 27097985467
2 HODL Store d.o.o.,Trg Žrtava fašizma 1, Zagreb, OIB: 45744263199
3 USLUGE LIRA d.o.o., Ulica Nikole Tesle 5, Zagreb, OIB: 87442481619
4 Cana pay d.o.o., 7. Dombranske pukovnije 2, Zadar, OIB: 62022833985
5 Lionheart d.o.o., Andrije Hebranga 8, Zagreb, OIB: 81045416150
6 Bitblock d.o.o., Gospočak 75, Zagreb, OIB: 10607405244
7 FiatBit Technologies d.o.o., Bistranska ulica 148, Gornja Bistra, OIB: 88861516970
8 Tikomar d.o.o., Bukovačka cesta 400A, Zagreb, OIB: 25863653771
9 Prometheus Trading j.d.o.o., Zagrebačka cesta 217, Zagreb, OIB: 31657229043

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